The Connecticut Tree Protective Association has developed this website to help people in Connecticut find a fully-registered, legal Arborist Business.
Connecticut's Arborist Law requires that, in order to “advertise, solicit or contract” to do arboriculture in the state, an individual must be a Connecticut Licensed Arborist.
To be in compliance with the law, each Arborist Business must be registered with the state DEEP. They must have at least one Connecticut licensed arborist on staff at each business location and it must be this licensed arborist who is advertising, soliciting or contracting to do this professional tree work with the client.
Click the button below for a searchable listing of all fully-registered, legal Arborist Businesses in Connecticut.
Why Hire a Licensed Arborist?
What Is An Arborist?
Generally speaking, an arborist is a skilled professional, knowledgeable in matters related to tree health, including knowing the insects and diseases that can cause tree problems. Arborists also know well the techniques associated with tree care, including how to help protect trees from insects and diseases, and how to properly prune, brace, cable and fertilize trees. Above all, safety and safe working procedures are a hallmark of a truly professional arborist.
See a Map of the Different Career Paths in Arboriculture
In Connecticut, in order to be considered a Connecticut Licensed Arborist, an individual must pass a rigorous testing procedure administered by the CT DEEP in conjunction with the CT Tree Protection Examining Board. It is a very difficult testing process.
There are only a handful of other states that have arborist licensing procedures similar to Connecticut. For the rest of the country, filling this void, the International Society of Arboriculture has a voluntary certification process that also uses a rigorous testing procedure to identify candidates as arborists. ISA certification is important in states that do not have a state licensing requirement. Connecticut, however, does not recognize ISA certification as a substitute for the Connecticut Arborist License.
While not necessarily the domain of just arborists, many arborists are also experts in tree removals, due to the their understanding of tree structure, tree mechanics and also tree safety.
Learn more about Commercial Arborists, Consulting Arborists, Utility Arborists and Municipal Arborists, also known as City Foresters or Tree Wardens.